Statement on Publication Charges and Autor’s Fees – Minority Protection

The Minority Protection Journal is committed to promoting the free dissemination of scientific knowledge and ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder the publication process. To support this aim, the Journal has established the following policies regarding publication charges and author fees:

  1. No Article Submission Charges or Article Processing Charges: The Minority Protection Journal does not impose any fees for submitting or processing articles. Authors can submit and publish their work without any financial obligations.

  2. Funding and Free Access: The Journal is funded by the Károli  Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, which ensures and enables the free dissemination of scientific knowledge and allows us to publish scholarly articles without charging the authors thereof.

  3. Electronic and Print Editions: All articles are freely accessible online on the Journal’s website. Printed versions of the Journal are available free of charge in various libraries across Hungary and neighbouring countries.

Közösségi Média

Közösségi média

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